Instagrammable Foods in Tokyo

Semester Project

books | Gorilla Whip
Not published
December 2018

A guidebook created by Gorilla Whip during their second semester in the zemi. Written in English, the book was aimed at exchange students at Rikkyo who don't know the area around the school very well.
books | Gorilla Whip
Not published
December 2018

A guidebook created by Gorilla Whip during their second semester in the zemi. Written in English, the book was aimed at exchange students at Rikkyo who don't know the area around the school very well.

About the Project

Sensei’s Comments

This project was designed as a way to teach students the different analytical thematic approaches to media: analyses of media as texts, analyses of media audiences, and analyses of media ecologies. We read, and discussed, various academic texts, newspaper and magazine articles that discussed food — particularly the visual presentation of food — from these perspectives.

So, the main purpose of this project was to get students to analyze media from these three perspectives and design a guidebook that incorporates these themes. This required students to research what guidebooks were on the market, analyze what they covered, and determine what was missing. And they did this well, dividing Western Tokyo into four underrepresented areas around Rikkyo that exchange students may find especially interesting. Unfortunately, one group was unable to finish their section in time.

Students used InDesign to create the layouts.

Read the Book

Read the Book

Read the Book